Perfect for spiritual baths, this blend is sure to help you release things that no longer serve you. Set your intentions and speak what you see until you see what you speak!
This blend includes:
💎 Pink Himalayan Salt: Draws out toxins and negative energy which allows you to become grounded
💎 Sage: Cleanses and brings wisdom and helps you reach deep meditation
💎 Calendula: Said to be the "herb of the sun", this herb is a favorite for removing negative energy and bringing an extra dose of respect and admiration
💎 Orange Peels: Aids in communication and is said to bring in the "joy of the angels"
💎 Roses: Helps you connect with love and beauty
💎 Crysanthemums: Helps with longevity, mental clarity, protection, and soothes grief
💎 Frankinsense: Useful for visualizing, improving one's spiritual connection, and centering, it has comforting properties that help focus the mind and overcome stress and despair.
💎 Sweet Orange EO: Lifts your mood
💎 Rosemary EO: Brings in a feeling of peace and tranquility
✨ 1 oz
✨ Ingredients: Pink Himalayan Salt, Wildcrafted White Sage (Salvia apiana), Organic Lavender Flower (Lavandula angustifolia), Organic Orange Peel (Citrus sinensis), Organic Passionflower (Passiflora incarnate), Chrysanthemum Flowers (Chrysanthemum morifolium), Organic Rose Buds and Petals (Rosa centifolia), Organic Calendula Flowers (Calendula Officinalis), Frankincense Tears (Boswellia serrata), Wildcrafted Myrhh Gum Pieces (Commiphora molmol), Essential oil of Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis), Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis), Frankincense (Boswellia serrata)
Caution: Heart patients must follow the advice of their physician before taking baths in which magnesium is used.
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