Key Gems:
💎 Diuretic
💎 Analgesic
💎 Digestive
💎 Antipasmodic
💎 Aromatic
💎 Carminative
Used in Chinese herbal medicine as a remedy for rheumatism, back pain, and hernias, star anise has stimulant, diuretic, and digestive properties. It makes an effective remedy for gas and indigestion- especially colic- and can safely be given to children. To treat hernias of the intestine or bladder, star anise is often mixed with fennel. Star anise can also be used for toothache.
Element: Air
Planet: Jupiter
Magical Uses: Psychic powers, luck. The seeds are burned as incense to increase psychic powers, and are also worn as beads for the same purpose. Sometimes star anise is placed on the altar to give it power; one is placed in each of the four directions. It is also carried as a general luck-bringer, and the seeds make excellent pendulums.
Retail: $12
Preferred Client: $9.60
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✨ Each order comes with a reusable cloth tea bag
✨ Packed in a 2 oz. heat-sealed pouch
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