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Writer's pictureJavon A. Frazier

You Want Me to Steam My WHAT?!?!?

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

That's the reaction I always get when I talk to women about yoni steaming. To be honest, that was my reaction when I first heard about it. It was about two years ago and I was preparing for my wedding, My aunt and friends planned this girls day for me but they wouldn't tell me what was planned. Not a big deal. I was actually quite excited (except for the fact that I had to get up at 8 am). We ended up at this spa in Baltimore. Okay, I thought, I can do this. Until I found out WHAT we were doing.

Like many others, I saw the Braxtons steaming their vaginas on #BraxtonFamilyValues. I even remember hearing about it a few times. But I was not interested in trying it. I value my vagina and I am very careful about what I put in or on it. So naturally I was not excited about this little surprise that my aunt had planned; but she paid for it and I wanted to be a good sport about it so I quickly pulled myself together and got with the program. Besides, the atmosphere was really nice and relaxing and the facilitator had this calming spirit about her that made me feel safe and somewhat intrigued.

Before we began the actual steam session, we had to fill out an intake form that asked a lot of personal questions about my health, menstrual cycle, etc. I have to admit, I found that to be a bit odd, considering we were here for a "spa" experience. The facilitator explained to be that #vaginalsteaming had a lot of health benefits and that a lot of my health issues could be traced to the state of my reproductive system. I was even more intrigued and excited.

After we completed the surveys, we were led to the steam room. Now I have to admit, I was NOT excited about what I saw. Four bedside commodes, you know, like the ones the sick and elderly use. Not very comfortable, not very relaxing. But my I made the most of it and being with my aunt and friend was fun so overall, I had a good time.

After the steam was over, I noticed that I was and bothered and I even felt different... rejuvenated. When I got home, I did a lot of research and discovered that vaginal steaming was a real thing that women have been using to heal from both spiritual and physical issues and I was HOOKED. I began steaming every Sunday as a part of my self-care routine and the benefits have been life changing. I was able to regulate my cycle and my cramps aren't as bad as they used to be. And don't get me started on the spiritual benefits. Steaming has helped me heal from a lot of things, including the breakup of my marriage.

Because I was able to see the benefits in my own life, I felt like this is something that every woman needs. I used steaming to help my clients overcome sexual trauma, regain their self-esteem, and heal themselves naturally. I decided to further my knowledge and become a facilitator so I can help other women heal themselves naturally. I am so excited about this new service and I can't wait to share it with you!

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