I've spent the entire day debating on whether or not I wanted to share these feelings, especially on today. But I realized that part of honoring this day is honoring my truth as a woman.
Even if it's an #unpopularopinion
So here's my truth.
I am not here for it.
Here's the thing, International Women's Day is supposed to be a day of celebration. A day when women all over honor and celebrate the accomplishments of women. According to the official website, International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality.
That last part is part of the reason I feel the way I feel today: the day marks a call to action.
We must DO something.
All over social media, today is being highlighted as a day to celebrate women. We've reduced this day to posts, shoutouts, and events. But if we are really honest, there is so much more that we need to discuss.
There are too many women feeling unappreciated, tired, overlooked, unloved, and unsupported... I can go on and on. There are too many women without real friendships or sisterhood. There are too many women who are living in some sort of bondage and are not free to be who they truly are.
Maybe it's the work I do as a #wombwellnessadvocate, my own experiences with women, or the current state of women's rights all over the world, but I believe that while we should definitely celebrate women, our energy would be better spent coming together to really effect change.
The Truth About Women
There are a few truths that I believe as it pertains to women. You can call them my Womb Code of Ethics.
Women are Divine Creators- I believe that our primary role as women is to create life, physically and/or energetically. Our womb contains lifeforce energy. It is a gateway, a sacred portal, and our gift from the Divine.
Women are Divine Reflectors- I believe that the state of women's wombs is a direct reflection of the condition of the world. For so long, women have lost our essence, we have not been honored and viewed as the divine beings that we are. When women are honored, we become a channel of life and creativity, joy and peace. When she is ignored and silenced, she becomes barren and a container for dis-ease. The same can be said about the Earth. Love her and tend to her and she will produce much fruit, ignore and mishandle her and nothing will ever grow again.
Women are Divine Healers- I TRULY believe, with everything in me, that when a woman heals her womb, she heals the world. There's an African Proverb that says "if you educate a man, you educate an individual. If you educate a woman, you educate a nation." It's the same concept. We truly impact the masses.
It is with these beliefs that I write this blog, connect with other women, and live my life. If we truly want to see more done in this world, it is going to take the work of women, healing themselves first and then healing others all over the world. It is going to take us connecting to our own wombs and spreading that medicine through our everyday lives.
I know it may seem like I have to interject womb wisdom into every subject, but the truth is we can't really talk about anything concerning women without it. So on this International Women's Day, and every day beyond I encourage you to connect with your womb. Prioritize your womb wellness. And share your womb wisdom with the world.
Because when a woman heals her womb, she really does heal the world.
And isn't that a reason for celebration?