Hello loves! I've been writing this piece in my head for the past few days. There was so much that I was receiving, so much that I was moving through, so much that I wanted to share with you all.
Let me start by saying that I have learned that I am not the typical business owner. I do not feel the need to market consistently or run a sale because it's a particular holiday. I truly come to you when I have something important to share. I run my business from my sacral chakra. I FEEL into what you all need to hear. That may be via email, FB live, or IG story (btw, are you connected with me everywhere because if not you could be missing out). I believe this method is why I get so many messages telling me how "on-time" my shares are.
With that being said, I couldn't sit down and write this because I was living what I wanted to share. Last month was one of the hardest months that I have had in a while. It was definitely a time for shadow work. Your girl was struggling to find her own light. Although it wasn't easy to sit with such heaviness, I realized that something.
It was a gift.
I was gifted with the most beautiful opportunity to create space.
What I've learned about doing shadow work (which is really just womb work) is that it really gives room for spaciousness. What do I mean?
According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, spaciousness is the quality of being large and having a lot of space. How does this apply to womb work? Allowing spaciousness means having a clear mind, body, and spirit.
It's taking yourself out of your current situation and looking at the big picture.
It allows expansion.
It decreases worry and stress.
It's the foundation of gratitude and happiness.
It's the gateway to evolution and growth.
So how do you create spaciousness?
Gratitude- Nothing creates spaciousness like gratitude. When you are grateful for your current reality, you don't focus on all of the things you lack or desire. It's a beautiful way to rest in the beauty of things as they are.
Meditation- Meditation allows you to clear your mind. A clear mind creates spaciousness, but don't put too much pressure on the idea of "meditation". It can be as simple as standing outside with the breeze on your face or laying in bed before rushing to start your day.
Unplug- Navigating this human existence can be overstimulating. There's always something to do, somewhere to go, or someone to assist. It can cause us to go into unconscious reactive behavior, which strips us of our power. When you unplug, you are able to clear away the noise in order to rest, recharge, and refocus.
There are many other ways to create spaciousness in our own world and the journey to finding what works for us can be exciting. How can you create space?