If you're new around here, allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Javon A. Frazier, also known as Your Guiding Light. That means that along this journey of life I navigate my own shadows and shine my light for others to see as they navigate their own.
Last week I had a moment.
It was so dark, that I literally felt like I couldn't do this anymore. I wrote a post in one of my online communities and shared very transparently where I was at that moment. Here's a snippet of what I wrote:
I'm exhausted. Burnt out even.I have been giving and believing and taking the next inspired action and navigating the void and holding the context and stimulating myself and supporting my clients and being there for my family and I am tired... I realize that I have perfected the ability to bring myself back to the context and holding the void and maintaining the energy, but I am tired.
Although it was super scary being this vulnerable, it felt so liberating to say out loud! What I know to be true is that sometimes people, especially women, feel ashamed about their inability to hold all the things all the time. We see it as a weakness instead of acknowledging it as part of our humanness. Saying it aloud not only gave me permission to release, but it also allowed me to see that I was not alone. There were so many women who commented and shared that they were feeling something similar. We were able to see each other and hold space for us all to just release and be. Like I always say, sisterhood is medicine.
Immediately after that moment, I made a pivotal decision. It was time for me to stop and rest. No calls. No posts. No clients. No family. I literally didn't see another human in person for a week and let me tell you, IT WAS LIFE!
In case no one has told you today, please allow me to be the first:
There is healing in the stillness. There is peace in the rest. It is necessary.
For me, everything stopped. The only thing I needed to do was rest.
Sleep Vs. Rest
Now before I go any further, let me clarify: there is a difference between sleep and rest. By definition, sleep is a condition of body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the eyes are closed, the postural muscles relaxed, the activity of the brain altered, and consciousness of the surroundings practically suspended while rest is ceasing work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.
Yes, you can sleep and still not get any rest. Trust me, I know!
Resting is intentional. It's making a conscious effort to do nothing in order to be able to do anything.
Different Types of Rest
There are several types of rest. For me, it was important to incorporate a variety of elements in order to truly replenish myself. Different situations will call for different types of rest, but the important thing is to remember to rest daily in order to prevent burnout.
Physical Rest- There are two types of physical rest. Passive rest includes sleeping or napping. Active physical rest includes stretching, yoga, breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, hot baths and showers, as well as massages.
Mental Rest- You can tell that you need mental rest if you have a hard time getting your brain to silence. If you lay awake at night with tons of thoughts going or if you are struggling to remember or concentrate, it's a good indication that its time to take a mental break. This could include meditation, or any "mindless" activity like coloring. The goal is to take a break from anything that requires brain power.
Emotional Rest- There are things in our world that can constantly pull on our emotions. Emotional rest comes when we are in situations that make us feel good or allow us to share our feelings in a safe environment. Its important to be aware of your emotional triggers, as well as creating and enforcing boundaries to protect your emotional body.
Spiritual Rest- This is possibly my favorite type of rest and one that saves me over and over again. Taking a spiritual rest is when you can acknowledge that you have done all you can in a particular situation and now it is time to turn it over to something higher or greater than yourself. It gives you a sense of belonging and stability and allows you the space to rest and trust in your higher power.
Social Rest- There comes a time when engaging too much can become draining. In the same way, being around energy vampires can also drain you. Social rest comes from staying away from those people and situations and only engaging in settings that give you life- whether that comes from being alone or with others. It's important to identify your social needs as well as your social meters and move accordingly.
Sensory Rest- Whether you are aware or not, your body and subconscious are constantly responding to the sensory triggers around you. This can be the bright lights of your job, the sound of phones ringing, or even the constant ads as you scroll social media. Over time, you can develop whats known as sensory overload syndrome which could look like irritation, lack of sleep, headaches, etc.
Creative Rest- This is one that you may not think of often if you don't think of yourself as a "creative person" but we all experience the need for creative rest. Creative rest comes from allowing yourself to find beauty in different things, like nature or the arts. If you find yourself lacking innovation or the ability to find motivation, you may need to take a creative break.
While the type of rest you require may differ from day to day, it's important to make rest a daily part of your life. If you're looking for inspiration, The Nap Ministry is one of my favorite accounts on IG. I just checked her account and she is on a social media sabbatical right now. It seems we are all being called to rest right now.
I want to hear from you, which of these 7 areas of rest is calling to you right now?