Did you know that August was National Romance Month? Neither did I. But it got me thinking about romance, what it was and what it wasn't. When you think of romance, what comes to mind? Love? Flowers, cards, and candy? Sex? Passion? Can romance really be defined? Well, yes actually lol. According to the dictionary (Google really), romance can be defined as a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love; a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life. Interesting. So romance is a mystery. Well that would explain why its hard to put into words. But of course because I'm over-analytical I had to take it a step further. So I did an image search for romance. Most of the photos were shots of couples, passionately staring into each others eyes or kissing. There were a few shots of couples engaging in sexual acts. But one thing was clear, romance is associated with couples. Well.
But what if you're single? Do you not get to experience romance? According to the definition, romance is a mysterious feeling of excitement. It's love. It's a feeling of being in your own world. It's euphoria. Well hell, I don't want to miss out on that just because I choose to focus on me in this season and I don't want any of my #GlowingGoddesses to feel left out just because they are not in a relationship with someone else.
So, as your Guiding Light I have made it my mission to find ways to create romance with yourself. Because after all, self-love is the highest expression of love (in my book). Without self-love, it's hard to truly love anyone else. In the same way, you will never truly experience romance until you first create it with yourself. So here's my list, in no particular order, of ways to create romance in your own life.
LOVE YOURSELF! This should go without saying but you would be surprised how many woman (and people in general) struggle with loving themselves. Self-love comes from accepting yourself, flaws and all. Stand naked in the mirror, taking all of you in. Look at yourself, in all of your glory. Appreciate your curves. Give thanks for your thighs. Do this until you begin to feel comfortable with yourself. Another way to begin loving yourself is to mind your self-talk. Compliment yourself. Encourage yourself. Remember, if you wouldn't say it to a friend, don't say it to yourself.
Take Yourself on a Date. I know this one may be a little difficult at first, but I promise it is worth it. Get dressed up, and have a night on the town. Go see that new movie you've been dying to see. Visit the latest exhibit at your local art gallery. Take yourself out to dinner. Have a picnic in the park or a walk on the beach at sunset. Give yourself the ultimate romantic experience. Keep in mind, if you can't enjoy your own company how can you expect someone else to?
Pamper Yourself. Now this is my favorite. I absolutely LIVE for my Sunday Pamper Sessions. I give myself a nice spiritual bath, a facial and do my nails, steam my yoni, journal, listen to music, whatever makes me feel relaxed. It's a great way to end the week and prepare for the week ahead.
Leave Yourself Tokens of Love. This is something that I started implementing after my marriage ended. There were moments when I felt overwhelmed or unappreciated so I would leave little tokens of love for myself. I would put love notes in my lunch bag so that I would see it when I took my lunch break. My sons love when I do this for them :) Another thing I implemented was my welcome home gift. I purchased a really nice tray and vase from Home Goods. I would make my bed in the morning and place the tray in the middel of the bed with flowers, a nice welcome home card, a book, and either a bottle of water or some herbs for tea. It was a nice way to come home and even though I knew it was there, it always made me smile.
Meditation and Masturbation. You didn't think I was going to leave this one out did you? Because this deserves a whole segment by itself, I'm doing a podcast episode about it later this month but for now lets just say its a great way to elevate yourself and bring romance into your life. Light some candles, sprinkle some rose petals, and love on you :)
Well there you have it. There are many other ways to incorporate romance into your life. One of my favorite books 1001 Ways to Be Romantic literally has 1001 to choose from! What are some things that you will incorporate to add some romance to your life?