I'm sure you have heard by now that today is a magical day, a powerful day of manifestation and possibilities, and it's true! Today has been an amazing day. But as I sit here reflecting on this day and what it means to me, I felt something in my womb space and I have to speak on it.
For some of us, maybe even you, this day isn't as magical as everyone is making it seem. Perhaps you haven't been able to create or manifest anything in your life. Maybe you feel that you don't have the power to create or experience anything other than your current existence.
Beloved, may I offer something to support you? True manifestation, that power to create, comes from being connected to your womb space.
You read that right.
There is a direct correlation between womb work and manifestation.
I've said it a million times and I'm going to say it a million more: the womb space is the most important part of being a woman. It's connected to our sacral chakra. It's who we are, what we are. And where we create. And what is manifestation? Its creation.
Have you taken the time to connect with your womb today? Have you envisioned the thing you want to manifest from the sacred space of your womb? Have you taken inventory of anything energetically that could prevent your thoughts and ideas from manifesting into your reality?
Below is a guided meditation to help you connect with your womb space.
If you feel disconnected from your womb or your ability to create and manifest, there is good news. You can decide to change your reality at any moment. That is your right and your power as a keeper of the womb space. If you would like support and guidance, I encourage you to book an introspective womb work session with me.
Introspective womb work is a powerful tool, it's the act of going within and healing the darkest parts of yourself. It's knowing how to transmute your shadow (the unknown) into light energy in order to create the reality you desire.