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Writer's pictureJavon A. Frazier

Honor the Cycles

Happy first day of October! If you're like me, autumn is the best time of the year; it's when nature shows us the beauty of releasing and letting go. We mirror nature; as the seasons and cycles change, so does our life. As women, it's important that we honor the beauty and lessons in each cycle.

We are so beautiful, so cyclical, complex simplicity. Everything about us moves in cycles and phases, and we will experience various phases throughout our lifetime. Here are just a few:

  • Life Cycles- Biologically, the life stages of a typical woman are divided into infancy, puberty (adolescence), sexual maturation (reproductive age), climacteric period, and post-climacteric (elderly) years. During each stage, there are often changes in hormones and life events specific to women. These changes can have a major impact on your mind, body, and spirit.

  • Menstrual Cycles- For years we have been taught to hate our cycles; you know- that dreaded "time of the month". But what if I told you that there is power in your menstrual cycle. It is not a limitation or a weakness. No! It is your strength, a magical blueprint that holds the key to who you are and your highest potential.

  • Energetic Cycles- Did you know that you experience energetic cycles? Yes. There are times of your life (or even of your month) when your energy levels vary. You may feel the need to retreat and rest. You're not too enthused about checking things off of your To-Do List and the thought of "peopling" is exhausting. Then there are other times when you are the life of the party, super focused, kicking ass, and taking names. This is all perfectly normal, and the sooner you understand and embrace these cycles, the better it will be for you and everyone around you.

  • Moon Cycles- What does the phase of the moon have to do with you as a woman? EVERYTHING! The moon affects your menstrual cycle, emotions, and so much more. In spirituality, it is believed that the moon represents feminine energy. It signifies life and death, wisdom and intuition, transformation and reincarnation. By understanding and honoring the cycles of the moon, we can better understand and honor ourselves.

In this past season of my life, I really began understanding and embodying the practice of honoring my own personal cycles. I stopped fighting against myself and allowed my thoughts and actions to align in order to flow. In it my hope that over the next weeks, you will begin to do the same.

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